MCA and Muslims

Sumber foto: TMI

Sumber foto: TMI

MCA has been going around campaigning to make sure that Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi’s Bill to amend Act 355 does not go through. Though Malaysian Chinese Association’s (MCA) President Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai recently said that MCA is not against the Bill. According to Tiong Lai, MCA wants the Bill to be implemented according to the Federal Constitution. 

However the very next day MCA made a u-turn with respect to their previous stand. The seven Members of Parliament that represent MCA prefer standing by their party rather than the voters. MCA won 7 out 0f 222 seats in the Lower House, that is less than 5% representation. 

Despite having no seats in Chinese majority areas, MCA still puts the party’s agenda ahead of their constituents. Would it not be in the interest of MCA to consult their voters before taking a stance for or against the bill? After all they were elected by the voters in order to represent them. 

Would it be fair if MCA goes around ignoring the plight of their own constituents and upholding the party’s stance instead? That behaviour is better suited to law makers in North Korea but not Malaysia. What is the purpose of parliamentary democracy if it is not to relay the voices of the masses? 

Party’s stand aside, the populace should be prioritised. The amendment to Act 355 is related to the punishments for crime. Since the jurisdiction of the Syariah Courts is limited by Item 1 of the State List in the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution. It makes no sense whatsoever to propagate assumptions without basis. Assumption such as the outcome of the amendment on non-Muslims do not make sense.

If the non-Muslims were to be sentenced it would be done in the Civil Courts as is the current procedure. It would be better if MCA could abstain during the reading of the Bill rather than opposing.

Amendment to Act 355 is to lift the ceiling punishments for the Syariah Courts and does not introduce new punishments. The Act has been implemented since 1965 and was amended in 1984. Back then it was even supported by the non-Muslims. Why is there such Islamophobia in recent times?

If we are true to the concept of democracy then let the voice of the people be heard.

Rehan Ahmad Bin Jamaluddin Ahmad

Insitut Kajian Strategik Islam Malaysia (IKSIM)

The post MCA and Muslims appeared first on Portal Islam dan Melayu.



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