Mr Editor, Your Apology Is NOT Accepted!

Mr Editor, Your Apology

Is NOT Accepted!

Muslims Tidak Lupa your journalistic sins. We were bitten so many times before. Your Saturday edition is no more venomous than the previous “attacks”.

By: Mohd Luttfi Abdul Khalid.

Thr Star, under intense pressure from Muslims, Muslim/Malay NGOs and political parties, finally gave in and apologised:

[We refer to the front page of The Star on Saturday May 27.

It has been the practice of The Star to respect the first day of Ramadan every year and to place the picture of Muslims at the first terawih prayers on the front page of the paper. This has been done over the last decade or so.

This year, there was an unfortunate coincidence of the lead story being of a terrorist leader, that led to many linking the headline and the picture, which was never the intention of the newspaper.

On hindsight, The Star should have been more discerning and sensitive to the feelings of our Muslim readers.

We sincerely apologise for the error of judgment on our part.]

Please read the following excerpts first:

“respect the first day of Ramadan”

“unfortunate coincidence”

“never the intention”


“discerning and sensitive”

“apologise for the error of judgment”

My Answer: DAP-SHIT!

Only the following steps can “pacify” and “jernihkan keadaan”:

1. Wong Chin Wai must be immediately fired and must step down .

2. The Star’s publication permit must be reviewed.

3. A front full page statement of apology must be published in the Star and all its subsidiary (online/print) media.

For the moment, these three actions would suffice.

But the Muslims also reserve the right to initiate any action within the legal boundaries to express its displeasure and dissatisfaction towards The Star and its habitual biased reporting towards Islam and Muslims in the past.

Be assured Mr Editor, your paper is not off the Ramadhan Watchlist yet.

And the same goes to all media and newsportals!

Muhammad Luttfi Abdul Khalid
Pengerusi Ikatan Peguam-Peguam Muslim malaysia



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