Shocking Reality Of Sexual And Child Abuse By Christian Clergy
Shocking Reality Of Sexual And Child Abuse By Christian Clergy.
An isolated incident of disciplinary caning gone bad versus widespread unprosecuted cases of children sexual abuse by Christian clergy.
By Mohd Luttfi Bin Abdul Khalid.
Chairman iPeguam
In an earlier article penned by me and colleague, Danial A Shaari (, we have highlighted the shocking and alarming situation concerning cases of sexual abuses perpetrated by the Christian clergy which in most cases went unpunished or simply swept under the carpet. Victims were either bought off or died without ever seeing the criminals and abusers charged in court for their crimes.
In Malaysia, it takes only one fatal incident unfortunately involving a Tahfiz school to trigger a social media frenzy into an “attack mode” against the school, the institution of tahfiz, the Islamic authorities, the choice of Muslim parents (and priorities in Islamic parenting) and ultimately demonizing Islam itself. This attack does not stop here because the liberals, the self-annointed Islamo(fasci)logists, leftist columnists, writers and self-styled pseudo “defenders of Islam” groups saw this tragic incident an an opportunity to accelarate their campaign into an overdrive, directing and focussing all their efforts to crucify Islam itself, of course without admitting so.
(It is to be noted that unlike Christianity, Islam has no religious institution called the Church, Clergy or even the Vatican.)
But the hypocricy was more brazen if one takes into account earlier cases of abuse/death involving schoolchildren.
In an article published by Tanjak, an online media (, Danial A Shaari has highlighted several earlier cases and incidents that never received similar negative raections and treatment.
No outcry, no uproar, no frenzy and no villification.
Maybe because those incidents did not happen in a Tahfiz or Islamic religious school or Maahad or Madrasah.
The social media, the evangelists, the DAP zombies, the anti-Islam bashing groups, organizations and individuals too suddenly turned mute and silence when the news about Richard Huckle filled the headlines.
In middle of 2016, Huckle was convicted of raping 22 Malaysian children he had groomed while carrying out volunteer work with Christian charities in KL.
Not 2, but 22 and all perpetrated by the same “committed Christian”!
Danial noted:
“Please look back to Huckle’s dark saga. He took his young victims to Sunday morning church services!
Did Muslims ‘profiteer’ from his case to manipulate and taint public perception towards Christian charities?
Did Muslims jump into the fray and label Sunday schools or Christian volunteer work among impoverished and vulnerable children as exploitative and dangerous?
Did we call for Sunday schools or Christian charities to be closed down when Richard Huckle was charged?
If we did, we would be on more solid ground considering the many well-documented cases of child sex abuse in churches by clergymen over a long period of time.”
Of course, Muslims would never go on a “Christianity-bashing spree” just because a “committed Christian” destroyed the lives and future of many children, whose parents relied and perhaps put full trust and faith on a person who was supposed to guide their children to be faithful to God when they grow up.
Emotional scars can never be erased from one’s life.
Richard Huckle may be misled or deceived bt the Devil. But what if the sexual atrocities involved the clergy and priests on a widespread global scale, documented with countless reports and testimonies of thousands of victims, yet resulted in no criminal prosecution and no arrests?
What if the Church itself is complicit in covering up the sexual crimes and abuse committed by its own “men of God” or resists any attempts by the authorities to investigate the reports?
Let us hope that this unChristian-like blemish and criminal acts do not happen in our country, and IF there was any such incident, the authorities should extensively and exhaustively investigate the crimes, without fear or favour and without any hindrance from any parties concerned.
The future and well-being of the children should never be compromised or destroyed by people claiming to speak on God’s behalf.
The following references should really be an eye-opener of how the Church itself failed to solve or prevent the widespread incidents of criminal sexual abuse on very young innocent children entrusted to their care. More often than not, the Church itself becomes the habitual offender.
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