Trumping Donald Trump


MUSLIMS in America have been deeply affected by Donald Trump’s victory. He is seen an Islamophobe who preaches hatred towards Islam and Muslims.

Apart from that, intolerance against the Muslims has increased. According to a report published by the Independent, hate crimes against minorities have surged after the elections.

We could not empathise enough with our brethren from the “land of opportunities”. However, we being Muslims need to at least make an effort to understand in order to help our brothers and sisters.

Our primary source of inspiration is the Qur’an and then the sunnah of the Prophet. Taking lessons from the Qur’an we need to acknowledge that everything happens according to Allah’s will.

“In no way is there an affliction that afflicts in the earth or in yourselves, except (that) it is in a Book even before We initiated it- surely that is easy for Allah”–

Qur’an 57:22

In order to achieve an objective, we have to put in some labour. The efforts do determine the results. The ultimate verdict nevertheless is according to what Allah has ordained. Any objection would be futile in this case.

We can barely change a human’s opinion let alone the decision made by the Almighty. The best would be to accept His decree and pray. Pray so that we can all be strong

At the same time we can’t just sit back and do nothing about it. When faced with calamities we need to plan the course of action.

How can we continue to live given the circumstances? We could choose to accept whatever is happening or make a difference. Strive to make a change in spite of the imminent difficulties and challenges.

Cursing Trump will not help anyone, what will help though is our collective effort as Muslims.

Those to whom hypocrites said, “Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.” But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, “Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs.”

Qur’an 3:173

A very motivating verse from the Qur’an for all of us. And especially inspiring for those who are being intimidated by Islamophobia. When we face tribulations in life, these are supposed to be life changing events meant to make us stronger and better. We cannot let Trump interpret Islam according to his ideals.

We need to spread the message of Islam the correct way. The way Islam is meant to be and not what people presume Islam to be. By doing so, hopefully we will have deeds written in our books. We pray that our message gets stronger and reaches everyone living in this beautiful blue marble.

Sanguinely people will see the beauty of Islam.

Rehan Ahmad Bin Jamaluddin Ahmad
Insitut Kajian Strategik Islam Malaysia (IKSIM)

The post Trumping Donald Trump appeared first on Portal Islam dan Melayu.



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