LGBT lifestyles harmful to nation’s health and stability

WE refer to the statement made by parties claimed to represent the LGBT community of Malaysia headed by SUARAM here.

This statement directly and openly endorses the lifestyle of LGBT to permeate the fabric of the society of Malaysia. This endorsement however was camouflaged by their claims that they have the rights to participate in rallies for free and fair elections such as BERSIH.

We therefore question the need for them to bring along paraphernalia in rallies that screamed the symbols and the lifestyles which are abhorred by our culture, religions and law of the land, which in its article 3 (1) of the Constitution of Malaysia states that Islam is the religion of the federation.

We therefore agree with Azril Mohd Amin, the chief executive of Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy (CENTHRA) whom, within his expertise, has outlaid the limitations of any rights of individual, to be within the permissible frame of and not be against the very foundation of what our country has been built upon, the Constitution (refer here)

While Azril had dutifully touched on the aspect of laws and history of social instability created by such movements, we are equally concerned on the bigger impact for nation’s health.

In the recently published “Global AIDS response progress report Malaysia 2016 in ending AIDS by 2030”(Malaysia Global AIDS) it has been revealed that apart from people who inject drugs and female sexual workers, another 2 groups that are specifically mentioned that represent the populations most affected by the AIDS epidemic with HIV infection rates exceeding 5% are; men who have sex with men (MSM) or gay and transgender people (TG). To be exact, it was 8.9% in MSM and 5.6% in TG.

The LGBT communities have always championed the argument that safer sex practices through the usage of condom is the key to alleviate AIDS epidemic, but the Malaysia Global AIDS report above have clearly stated that safer sex practices have only improved slightly among transgender, while among MSM or gay, condom used behaviour was not getting any better.

The report quoted a bio-behavioural study survey revealing that there’s an alarming trend of alcohol consumption and psychotropic drugs used prior to having sex among TG and MSM that impede the proper use of condom during sexual intercourse.

Homosexuality, transgenderism, drug and alcohol consumption are all impermissible in Islam, and Malaysia has adopted Islam as the religion of federation, which rightly addresses all these mixed unhealthy lifestyles through the Constitution, the law and enactments that ensure we are free of AIDS and HIV epidemic as well as other sexual transmitted diseases.

Despite having these concerns, those who regularly and strongly advise against the lifestyles of LGBT for the sake of their own physical and psychological health being, have always been accused as homophobics.

The global AIDS response above was for studies and data in 2015. Four years ago, Lancet journal in 2012, has reported a study by John Hopkins School of Public Health which revealed that the rate of HIV among homosexuals in North America was at 8% yearly since 2001.

After 10 years, despite having a good health intervention promotion among homosexuals in USA which was deemed as having the best health services for this group, the rate of HIV infections among homosexuals has escalated almost similar to the rate in developing countries like Thailand or Malaysia.

Thailand and Malaysia do not have such a robust and comprehensive intervention and sex education program as USA. The study thus concluded that anal penetration has 18x more risk for HIV infection as compared to normal population because biologically, anus have more blood vessels than a woman’s vagina and therefore, a good site in transmitting the virus by blood.

So we do ask, SUARAM and the signatories of LGBT Malaysians, with regards to the evidences proven above, where is your sense of responsibility towards the community you claimed to be fighting for, and towards the community at large, when you seem to be ignoring the hard facts these lifestyles predispose to?

Prof Madya Dr Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar
Chief Information of Wanita ISMA



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